The game now seems to ignore the 'Restrict to Gender' flag and go only by the frame. Update, V4: Fixes the problem of males getting this slider. Additional Credits: Made with TS4 MorphMaker.On peut ainsi parler du mode Grossesse, avec lequel les Sims reçoivent un cycle menstruel, et ne peuvent tomber enceintes que. Mais, en plus de permettre à vos Sims de laisser libre court à leurs fantasmes, ce mod offre bien d'autres possibilités permettant de rendre le gameplay beaucoup plus réaliste. Enhanced Butt Slider (CmarNYC) Enhanced Leg Sliders (CmarNYC) Expanded Nose Sliders (alar adjustments) (iced-cream for breakfast) Feet Width .Sims 4 TRADUCTION FR WickedWhims. New features: 64-bit version, sharpening, keeping larger-than-needed textures is now optional.
Version 2.0: Fixes: Corrected the lines on shadow textures and the dark lines around the edges of some diffuse textures.
Cmarnyc Many thanks to LunaLechuza for helpful suggestions and testing.