Interactive distortion modelling makes it possible to create the most complex shapes quickly and easily, with the ability to see the effects of any changes as they are being made. The addition of interactive distortion modelling in the latest release makes ArtCAM’s unique free-relief modelling even more powerful. In these areas and in other artistic applications, ArtCAM Pro allows users to increase productivity, improve quality and deliver new designs more quickly, by combining their craft skills and creativity with the power and precision of computer-aided manufacturing. It has been particularly successful in the sign making, wood working and engraving industries. Unlike most other CAD/CAM systems, ArtCAM Pro is aimed at skilled artisans rather than engineers and requires little knowledge of engineering or computing.
This allows users to distort either vectors or reliefs within ArtCAM models by bending or stretching the design. By Niraj M Wanikar, Chief Editor,, 11:58:34ĭelcam’s ArtCAM Pro CADCAM software for artistic applications in sign making makes it much easier to create complex designs with a new approach called interactive distortion modelling.